Monday, November 5, 2007

Automated Open Source GUI Test Tool - Dogtail

I came across this open source tool a while ago and was very impressed. The nice things about it are that it's open source, it's easy to get started using it, and, oh yes, it works!

The tool name is Dogtail - it's available: here

The technology it uses is interesting too. It uses Accessibility (A11Y) technologies to communicate with desktop applications. This is a key aspect of Dogtail's design. Unlike some other GUI test automation frameworks, Dogtail doesn't "scrape" information from the visual representation of the the application under the test's GUI into a data-store. Instead, it makes use of the accessibility-related metadata to create an in-memory model of the application's GUI elements.

I did not write Dogtail itself - I'm just a happy user. My contribution was some user documentation in the form of articles in Red Hat magazine. One of the article includes a Flash demo.

The articles are linked from the Dogtail entry in wikipedia


ivar5000 said...

Hi Len ..
I was wondering if you can recommend any open source gui testing tool thats generic for windows platform??
so far all the open source gui testing tools i've found are language dependent like java or ruby ....

Nagappan said...

LDTP ( is cross platform GUI testing with all major programming language support !